Saturday, June 13, 2009

Menu for success

TO SUCCEED, GIVE YOURSELF HOPE FOR LIFE by adopting a positive attitude towards five levels of existence through the use of your senses.





When a seed is planted on fertile ground, roots eventually appear. With enough sunlight, water and air, it will attain its most productive growth. In the same manner, a newborn blessed with good parents and a nurturing environment will GROW up to be a stable and helpful resident of his community.
The Groiler International Dictionary states that IMBIBE is “To drink. To absorb or take in as if by drinking. To receive and absorb into the mind, and To permeate or To saturate.” When a person reads good books and imbibes everything, he will surely achieve what he sets his mind into.
A lot of authors and speakers have been encouraging people to VISUALIZE their dreams and put them into writing so that it becomes more real through time. Even the famous American comedienne, Jim Carrey, decided it was worth a try when he wrote himself a check of $1M as professional fee when he was still a struggling stand up artist. Look where he is now and how much he is earning.
When you ENRICH your soul with verses from the Bible and put them into action, you will YIELD and OBTAIN countless blessings and UNLIMITED RESOURCES.
According to Harry D. Pound, there are five levels of existence. How you deal with each of them affects your future and outlook in life.
The first level is SELF, ME, EGO. How do you see yourself? Do you think you are successful or not? Are you strong or weak? Are you a sinner or a saint? Are you king or a servant? A lot of factors on how you visualize yourself will greatly affect how others will view you and where you are going with your life. If you learn to develop your SELF-ESTEEM with the proper attitude and guidance, you will achieve your goal in time.
“You shall LOVE your neighbor as yourself”, is the second greatest commandment. How you relate to OTHERS, which is the second level of existence, plays a major role in your success. The others may mean your immediate family like your parents and siblings. It also includes your extended and adopted families, your school, parish, community, country and even the world. We don’t limit ourselves to what or whom we can see. Let all our actions speak of how we want to partake goodwill to everyone. Even a simple act of obeying traffic rules and keeping our surroundings clean will spell a difference. Be part of every effort of different governments throughout the world to prevent global warming. Don’t throw that cigarette butt anywhere. Better yet, don’t smoke because you pollute the environment. Keep those candy wrappers and throw them in the wastebasket or a million tons of them can clog our flood system or damage our ecosystem. Recycle and use biodegradable products. Go green. Go safe. Go organic. Go natural. Give our future generation a chance to enjoy God’s creation.
From Matthew 22: 37-38, “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment.” Having FAITH in God, describes our relationship with a Supreme Being, be it ALLAH, BUDDHA, or YAHWEH. We acknowledge our weaknesses and we surrender ourselves to the ONE ABOVE who created all things and creatures in this world. It is the goal of every person to follow God’s commandments in every endeavor he pursues to ensure success. God also provides the answer to our prayers. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7)
HOPE springs eternal is a popular adage, a line lifted from the work of Alexander Pope’s An Essay on Man, Epistle I in 1733. It speaks of how we look forward to the FUTURE, which is the fourth level of existence. We must never lose heart because all of us are capable of being successful if only we believe.
The PAST is the last level of existence and how we deal with it plays a major role in our lives. We must learn to FORGIVE those who have done as wrong. Most especially, we must be able to forgive ourselves for the mistakes we have made and rise above them. It is the only way for us to move on and be successful.
We were given a mind to discern what is right and wrong, a heart to care for ourselves and for others and the five senses to hear the pleas of those in need, to see the injustices done in this world, to feel the pain of losing our lives and our souls, to smell the fruits of our labor and to nourish our bodies with good food and wisdom.

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